Friday, March 11, 2016

Begging For It by Lilah Pace

Review and Curated Soundtrack

Asking For It had been out for quite some time when I got around to reading it, but, when I finished the book late last year and I wasn’t sure if I was ready to tackle Begging For It quite yet. So, I waited a month or so until I was in the right mood and then dove into Begging For It. Begging For It was a little less edgy for me than Asking For It, maybe because I previously grown to love and trust in Jonah and Vivienne. Although less edgy, it wasn’t at all less sexy and thought provoking. For me a key to all of Jonah and Vivienne’s “play” was consent, freely given and absolutely beautifully written. The last few paragraphs of the book made me heart seriously happy; I just love how Jonah is strong and tender at the same time. Oh...and the studio scene near the end of the book...HOT! If you liked Asking For It and are able to dive back into Jonah and Vivienne’s world and “play”, Begging For It should be on your “must read” list.

There are some books that seems to have built in playlists. The music jumps right off the page or specific song titles and artists are called out. Begging For It is one of those books. Not only did author Lilah Pace mention several songs by name (in the Krewe of Templars scene) but she also names some specific genres and gave us leading clues as to which songs were permeating specific scenes. I found my opera and latin music research for this playlist to be remarkably fun and illuminating. What Don Giovanni piece was actually playing during the Redgrave House scene? Exactly what kind of latin piano music does Maddox listen to in his car?

Also, make sure to visit Lilah’s website! She has her own soundtracks for Asking For It and Begging For It posted!

Spoiler Alert: I waivered on whether or not to include "Don’t Stop Believin’" on this curated soundtrack. For some reason the negative feelings I have regarding Chloe’s betrayal of Vivienne far outweigh my feelings about the Redgrave House scene. I’m sure my hesitation to add "Don’t Stop Believin’" to this list says something about personality or emotional state, but what that is, I’m not really sure :)

I rate this book:
What did you think of Begging For It? Are there any songs that remind you of Jonah, Vivienne and their HEA?

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